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Lawyers Were Asked Which Cases They Regret Winning, 40 Shared Heartbreaking Stories

Lawyers have a reputation of being ruthless and cutthroat, doing anything necessary to win a case. Even if they may not agree with everything their client has done ethically, everyone is entitled to legal counsel, and we all want to have a bulldog in our corner when defending ourselves. Sometimes, however, even lawyers have regrets …

Lawyers Were Asked Which Cases They Regret Winning, 40 Shared Heartbreaking Stories Read More »

The Opioid Crisis Reflects A Failure Of Public Policy – It’s Time To Change Course

The Opioid Crisis Reflects A Failure Of Public Policy – It’s Time To Change Course Authored by Susan Martinuk via The Epoch Times, What is the end goal of a policy that deals with drug addiction? That’s the key question that political leaders and societal stakeholders should be considering as they announce ever more alarming …

The Opioid Crisis Reflects A Failure Of Public Policy – It’s Time To Change Course Read More »

Is a Fractured Right a Cause for Celebration or Concern?

Sure, it can be a good thing if the Right is fractured and fighting among itself. But the Left can’t win simply by letting reactionaries fight among themselves — we need to fight for a vision of greater freedoms through improving the welfare of all. Maxime Bernier, leader of the People’s Party of Canada, meets …

Is a Fractured Right a Cause for Celebration or Concern? Read More »

The Man Who Opened a Store Selling Heroin and Cocaine Has Died From an Overdose

The man who opened the first store in Canada openly selling tested heroin, cocaine, meth, and MDMA has died of an overdose.  Jerry Martin died in Vancouver on Friday, a few days after he was hospitalized due to a suspected fentanyl overdose, according to his partner Krista Thomas. He was 51 years old.  Although Martin …

The Man Who Opened a Store Selling Heroin and Cocaine Has Died From an Overdose Read More »

Research trip in Mexico tragically cut short after UC Berkeley PhD student gets fatally shot 7 times

For four years, Gabriel Trujillo trekked the breadth of the United States and south into Mexico in search of a flowering shrub called the common buttonbush. The plant is native to the varied climates of Canada, the U.S. and Mexico. Trujillo, a 31-year-old Ph.D. student at the University of California, Berkeley, wanted to know why …

Research trip in Mexico tragically cut short after UC Berkeley PhD student gets fatally shot 7 times Read More »

Mexico’s President Says His Country Doesn’t Produce Fentanyl. His Military Seized 7 Tons in 5 Years.

Fentanyl isn’t produced in Mexico, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador recently said. But this week, the head of the nation’s National Guard announced that more than seven tons of the deadly synthetic opioid, which each year kills tens of thousands of Americans in drug overdoses, was seized in the last five years. “Fentanyl is not …

Mexico’s President Says His Country Doesn’t Produce Fentanyl. His Military Seized 7 Tons in 5 Years. Read More »

Ex-CIA spy turned GOP presidential candidate Will Hurd calls Biden ‘worst border security president’ ever

EXCLUSIVE –One-time clandestine agent and former Republican congressman turned GOP presidential candidate Will Hurd is heading to the nation’s northern border with Canada on Tuesday, Fox News has learned. And Hurd, who represented a congressional district in Texas that stretched for hundreds of miles along the southern border with Mexico, took aim at President Biden …

Ex-CIA spy turned GOP presidential candidate Will Hurd calls Biden ‘worst border security president’ ever Read More »

Drugs killing more than homicides, suicides, natural disease combined after British Columbia decriminalization

Half a year after the Canadian province of British Columbia decriminalized a wide range of hard drugs, including fentanyl, drug overdoses are the leading cause of death for the majority of Canadians in the region. In a press release on Monday, the office of Public Safety and Solicitor General said that 1,018 British Columbians were …

Drugs killing more than homicides, suicides, natural disease combined after British Columbia decriminalization Read More »

More People Die of Overdoses After Cops Seize Drugs: Study

A new study has demonstrated what harm reductionists have long been saying: more people die of overdoses after police seize drugs.  The report, published in American Journal of Public Health and funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, provides the first empirical evidence that cops seizing illicit opioids is associated with increased overdose …

More People Die of Overdoses After Cops Seize Drugs: Study Read More »

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